Hard ride – the craving for chocolate!

I think we are becoming more and more emotional.
[Current mood:   breezy emoticon…. ]

Real hunger is a physical  feeling, you know it by the tightness of your stomach.  Your stomach complains, it makes noises,  feels light and a little tight. Its a sensation that grows, it doesn’t appear immediately and any kind of food can satisfy it. It feels really satisfying to eat when you are hungry.

Cravings pop up in an instant – triggered by familiar or repeated patterns or moments. Psychological need to eat is quite different from hunger, it comes on in a rush and tends to be strongly fixated at one kind of food. A chocolate fix. A caffeine fix. A pizza fix…. And eating it doesn’t feel richly satisfying.

I have so much of everything (in the middle class world), I find it a struggle to remember the real and the physical. All those things that are ‘needs’. Got to haves – is it just a great big psychological pyramid, built on the head of a pin? On the push bike my aching knees are calling for some tenderness and for some distraction from the effort…. Chocolate or espresso?

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